Well it's been a little while since I have written anything, but here it goes.
In the past couple of weeks we have been out getting a few caches. The first one that we were able to grab was a quick altoids tin located at a nice little restaurant. We had just finished having pie with a friend of ours, and decided to grab this one with him in tow. We walked across the street, and over to the phone booth were it was located. Quick feel around the phone booth, and we had it. We pulled the log out of the tin, and signed it. From there we decided to try and grab one we had DNF'd a few days before. Maybe with a fresh set of new eyes we would be able to find it. We drove over to the cache location, and started our search. We found the same things that we had seen before, but no cache was to be found. We all searched for around 20 minutes, and wasnt able to find it. We had to make sure that we were quiet as it was around 11 or 12 at night.
The next time that we went out caching was a nice Sunday afternoon. We decided to go after the cache we had DNF'd twice already. We drove to the location of it, and started to search around. This time we didnt have to DNF that cache though. We were able to find it within a matter of moments after starting to look for it. We traded out a Disney pin for a Tao of Pooh book, and took a TB with us. Then we headed out to find another cache.
This cache however proved to be elusive to us. We searched around an old abandoned Airplane Terminal for around 20 minutes with no luck. The security guard that patrolled the area came over to us, and asked us what we were doing there. We explained what we were doing there to him, by saying we were playing a high tech scavenger hunt. He seemed to take this answer ok, and left us to do as we were. We searched a little more for the cache, but alas it wasnt for the finding that day.
The next one took us to a very old bridge that has been around at least 50 to 60 years. It is a real nice almost Gothic style to it. It was a real quick park and grab from a metal road divider. We signed the log and left before people could come out and ask what we were up to. Dont want people thinking we are up to bad things.
The last one for this day was a quick park and grad at the mall by our house. We drove over to it, and grabbed the LPS cache. We had to do this quick because we didnt want people, or mall security to say something to us. We left the cache just after signing the log.
All in all we have had a good time these past few weeks. We are currently in the planning stages for a multi/puzzle cache that will take people to old airfields all around the area. This series will not just be a historical one, but also a very challenging puzzle. It will test people mind at each point.
This is all for now. Have a great day. I hope you enjoy our caching adventures as much as we do.
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